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Vocalise Teacher Training Application Form

Thank you for your interest in our  VTTP.  We would love to hear about you and what  you'd like to achieve. 

Our passion is to empower and educate vocal teachers in the art of vocal coaching and help you connect with your students and inspire them through your passion and love of music and singing.

Please enter your contact details


First name

Gender | Pronoun

Last name

Preferred name (optional)

Email address

Phone type

Country code

Confirm email address

Phone number

Select Course Option

Please choose an option from the dropdown

How soon would you like to start training?

About You

Please list any previous or relevant courses or experience you've had

Which best describes your reason for undertaking this training?

If you selected other, please specify

What is your long term career plan or goal and what is your expected outcome at the completion of the course.


  • This form has been completed by me personally and the information I have given is true and correct.

  • I consent to Vocalise Music Academy obtaining personal information necessary to complete or verify my application.

  • I understand that this application does not guarantee a position as a teacher in the Academy.

  • If I find that the course is not suitable to my needs, I understand that I have 28 days to inform Vocalise in writing to cancel my application without having to pay a cancellation fee.

  • If accepted into the program, I understand that I am required to make a non-refundable course application payment of $1100 to enrol into the Vocalise Teacher Training Program.

Select your declaration

Please send us any links to your vocal performances or work below.

Do you have any files related to this experience? (Optional)

Upload File
Preferred Communication Method

How do you like to communicate?

Select to verify you're human

Thank you for your application!We will be touch within the next 48 hours to confirm your application.In the meantime, if you haven't already,visit our page here.

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